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Don’t Cut Your Steak with a Dull Knife

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Not only is a dull knife annoying, it’s incredibly inefficient and let’s face it, when you’re hungry, you’re hungry! We’ve all tried to complete a job with the wrong tool (Ever use a wrench to pound in a nail?). It might get the task done but usually not with the level of excellence we are looking for. From time to time a knife needs to be sharpened.

Copyright: <a href=''>karandaev / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

The same can be said for us. When we get stuck in a routine of doing things over and over the same way day after day, we can become dull. We need to sharpen ourselves. 

In the Powder Coating world MIT Powder Coatings Online Store is still relatively young. We are in a growing/learning process where we do many things well, improve in the areas that are lacking, and look ahead to ideas and opportunities where we can grow. It’s our goal to recognize the importance of personal growth so that we can provide you with the best products and service that we can.

So my question to you is…. How do you sharpen yourselves? As a coater do you take on more and more challenging projects, or strive to learn from your peers or other industry professionals? Are you in the habit of reading books, journals, or participating in forums to strengthen your business approach? The list goes on and on. We are interested to hear how you and your business takes steps to remain sharp. Start the conversation below, we love to hear from you! 

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