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Mom, Yetis, and Silicone Sheeting

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Another Mother’s Day has come and gone. Did you thank the women who raised you, wiped your snotty nose (among other things, yikes), kissed your boo boos, loved and supported you? I hope so! On behalf of MIT Online Store we would like to thank moms everywhere for the incredible things you do…. like tucking us in

Speaking of tucking in, I would like to talk a little bit about sheets. No, not your old Scooby Doo bed sheets, but  Silicone Sheets. We love to see ingenuity from the powder coating world and we found a video by bugmanchad where he created a cup coating stand which used a silicone sheet to mask the opening of the cup. It created a tight seal to keep powder out of the cup.

Through Epsi we have 36”x36” Silicone Sheeting starting at $74.30 a sheet. When you break that down you could get 81 4”x4” squares out of that. Using each side 7 times you could coat about 1,110 cups from one sheet!!! That brings the cost down to about 6.5 cents per cup!

So for all of you looking to save time and money check out silicone sheeting. And don’t forget to thank your mother!

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